"It`s funny how hello always ends with a goodbye, it`s funny how good memories can start to make you cry. It`s funny how forever never really seems to last, it`s funny how much you`d lose if you forgot about your past. It`s funny how friends can just leave you when you`re down, it`s funny how when you need someone they`re never around. It`s funny how people change and think they`re so much better, it`s funny how many lies can be packed in one "love letter". It`s funny how people forgive even though they can't forget, it`s funny how one night can contain so much regret. It`s funny how ironic life turns out to be but the funniest part of all, none of that`s funny to me. "


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dulu klau aku balek ade mak abah kat umah tgu aku balek..skrg ble aku balek Nampak mak jea..mak pon x cam dulu..lame sgt ke aku x balek sampai aku tgk mak da x bermaya??aku Nampak mak jatuh depan aku..sumpah aku kesian ngn mak.. da macam2 da aku lalui sepanjang 21 tahun hidup kt dunia nie..perit x terkata..yg mampu aku buat hanya  berdoa je..operation,tgk mak abah nangis,abah pergi..kali nie btol2 sedih..still smpi skrg aku x ziarah kubur abah..sgt sedih klu ziarah abah..aku takot aku x kuat je..Ya Allah berdosa sangatkah aku?? 

sometimes Allah bg kita dugaan supaya kita lg dekat kepadaNya..ramadhan da nak dtg n aku tau ramadhan kali nie akan jd ramadhan paling sedih sekali..aku x cukup kuat lagi…….

Dulu time pose abah akan kejot aku bangun sahur walaupon aku x kan bangon tok sahur…….rase nak patah balik masa…kenapa la aku x hargai die time die mase hidup..aku x penah nak tny abah sihat ke x?? da mkn ke blom?? Soalan yg simple tp lidah ni x tergerak pon nak Tanya..alahai..menyesal x sudah sampai sekarang…

diam x diam da dekat 2 bulan abah pergi..semoga abah tenang di sana ;(

p/s: mmg senang org nak nasihatkan kita "kuatkan semangat!" tp hakikat yea susah nak jd kuat :( sgt susah!


  1. lepas ni kalau kau taknak bangun sahur kitorang gegar pintu bilik

  2. msti sedih kan teringan kenangan2 bersama arwah....aku phm...p apa kan daya masa x leh putar balik..semoga Allah sentiasa de dkt ngn ko by...semoga ko sentiasa kuat....sabar byk2....kami kawn2 skn sentiasa ada dgn ko...ppe btau jgn diam...at least lega ckit hati ko...love u syang


  3. maceh tau nonet ;)
    syg ko jugak..ko pon kne kuat jugak tau ;p
